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Poppleton Business

Public·66 members

Welcome to the group! Please feel free to discuss your business, ask for help or advice, list its website, promote a sale or list a photo of new products.

You can also connect with other members, get updates and share videos.

Hi all,

I've recently put together a few websites for holiday homes - Scarbeck and Miltop are examples.

If anyone would like a simar style brochure site (home, about, contact, gallery, blog etc) producing for business or personal use, please let me know and I will send you some further information.

Many thanks

Michael Abbotson


Hope you’re all well. I just thought I would pop my small business on here for you to check out.

My names Kelly and myself and my (two year old son) have set up an online children’s concept store. Our store provides everything from unisex, muted children’s clothing through to dinnerware, Muslin blankets, toys, the most beautiful book and educational Flashcards and breathing boards.

Our idea came from a place of struggling to find comfortable, neutral tones in children’s clothing and just grew from there. We are now over 1 year old and are loving every second of this crazy journey.

We would love it if you check out our site and/or our Instagram (I’ll pop all links below)

I am a Home support worker in the village for the elderly who struggle day to day with various jobs in the home . I do home cleaning , washing & changing of beds , food prep , walks & companionship. The list is endless . References and full DBS can be given . Please message if I can be of any assistance




Welcome to the group! Please feel free to discuss your busin...
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