The Village Forum has been created so you can get involved, have your say and join in the conversation. You can leave your comments about anything happening in the village, ask a question or leave your feedback. We've divided the forum into 6 useful categories to start with but more can always be added later.
Items For Sale

If you have an item for sale you can also list it along with a photo or video of the item, a description, price and a contact number or email address to get in touch. Every item you list can also be shared on Facebook or Twitter to help spread the word!
Recommend A Local

A good tradesperson is sometimes hard to find. If you have used a local builder, plumber, or electrician for example, why not share their contact details, website address or even a photo of what you have had done.
Job Vacancies

If your business is in need of a new member of staff, you can list the job right here for people to read and share on social media or copy and paste into an email.
Missing Pets

Listing your missing pet has been the most popular forum category to date. There is nothing worse than your pet going missing, so why not spread the word along with a photo so your village neighbours can be on the lookout for you.
Ousebank and Manor Schools

Here's the perfect place to discuss your children's education with other parents. Are there questions you would like to ask each other, or perhaps you just want to add your kids end of year photos for everyone to share!
Poppleton Village Website

Finally we have added this website to the forum. Are you happy with it? Would you like to see something added to make it better? We would love your feedback so please get involved and let us know!
Getting Started
It's easy to get started, just go to the Forum Page and click on "Login/Sign Up" in the top right corner if you are not already a member. From there you can start adding to the conversation or if you click on the members icon you can see who has already joined and follow them, so you will be automatically updated whenever that person leaves a new comment.
If you have downloaded the Spaces by Wix app, you can follow the forum and keep up to date with all the conversation from there, making it easier and faster than going to the website each time to log in.